Articles under review
Experimental (“Github”) Track
This page lists articles under review on the Experimental (“Github”) Track of JoVI. The experimental track uses an “endorsement” model, where review proceeds as a back-and-forth between reviewers and authors via Github issues, and then reviewers can choose whether or not to endorse the paper.
The articles below are still under review and have not yet received any endorsements. Feedback on these articles is welcome in the form of Github issues opened on their underlying repository.
- Gatherplot: A Non-Overlapping Scatterplot
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - Real time, cross platform visualizations with zero dependencies for the N-body package REBOUND
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - The illusory promise of the Aligned Rank Transform
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - GLADOS: Graph Layout Algorithm benchmark Datasets for Open Science – GD benchmark sets
[Repository | Reviews/Issues]
VISxAI 2023
The articles below were originally part of VISxAI 2023 and are now under review for a special issue at JoVI:
- PAC Learning; Or: Why We Should (and Shouldn’t) Trust Machine Learning
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - Neighborhood traces
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - Learning What’s in a Name with Graphical Models
[Repository | Reviews/Issues] - Understanding and Comparing Latent Space Characteristics of Multi-Modal Models
[Repository | Reviews/Issues]
Traditional Track
Papers on the Traditional Track are not listed on this page, as they are not public until they have been published.